Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thankful Hearts Won't Be Broken For Pure Love Is The Greatest Token...

There are a few things that come to mind as I look at the title and try to figure out where to go from here. At this time there are a lot of things going on in our lives and I'd like to take a few minutes to explain our thankful hearts and how we are so blessed to feel love in so many aspects of life.
This weekend, memorial weekend, is such a special time to sit back and ponder the time we have spent and lost with our loved ones. Whether it was accidental, unexpected, or their time to go, whether it was family, a friend or someone you barely know, we go through life being very grateful for the opportunity we had to spend with that person, even if it was for a short time. We take the lessons we learned and try to apply their teachings into our very lives, whether it be for our own good or for someone elses. As i was driving into work this morning I was listening to KBULL 93.3. Every year at this time they play a compilation of music and quotes that remind us of the lives that are lost for our own good and freedom. It's a very touching arrangement and brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear it. Gin and I couldn't be more thankful for the sacrifice and love these soldiers display on a daily basis. Gin and I, like everyone, have lost some very influential people in our lives and we would like to take a quick moment to thank them for molding us into the people we are now.
In an earlier post I had mentioned Geneal's pure love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for that. As we have dated I have loved watching every minute of her as she follows the footsteps of the Savior. How did I get so lucky? She is everything I have ever wanted and more. As we have prepared for the wedding in this short time it has been such a blessing to witness the very hand of our Father in heaven. Things have fallen into place when others have doubted. It's a true sign that there is a plan for each of us and fortunatly, for Gin and I, our plans are beginning to merge. Geneal is the keystone that keeps me from crumbling, the crutch that keeps me from falling and the and the missing puzzle piece that completes me. I want her to know how thankful i am for her. Her example has led me into another direction and I love her so much for that. Thank you Sweetheart.
Our thankful hearts wouldn't be complete if we didn't take some time to thank our parents for all they have done in making sure this wedding is a memorable experience. Mom and dad Cahoon, we know times are tough and want you to know that the sacrifices you two have displayed have not gone unnoticed. We are forever indebted to you and can't wait to display our thankfulness over the course of this lifetime. Mom and dad Smith, thank you as well, not only for your help in preparing for this wedding but for the parents that you are. I am so blessed to be a part of such a special family. I am amazed at your abilities and can only hope that I become the type of parent that you two are to me. Also, we want to give a special thanks to our sweet siblings and for the sacrifices they have made. There are a number of them that have taken the time to help prepare, whether it be the invitations, showers, dinners or the reception. There are also a few that have taken time off work and are willing to travel great distances to be with us. Thank you so much for your sacrifices. We love you guys so much and couldn't be more thankful for the people you are.


  1. That was more than sweet! We love and adore you both!!! Josh, you are already our son and we couldn't be more thankful for just how wonderful you are to our Angel girl, Geneal. You both deserve so much happiness! We are excited for Friday's big day!...but even more for the great adventure to begin as Mr. and Mrs. Smith! Love you both!

  2. Josh, this is your cousin, Chari, I hope you know that Geneal is one lucky girl herself! I am so happy for you! You deserve the best and it looks like you found her! Congratulations!

  3. Congrats on getting married! It is the best!!
